Monday, January 20, 2014

Day-long Dharna & Lunch-hour demonstration on 21.1.2014

Day-long Dharna and Lunch-hour demonstration in front of Aayakar Bhavan on 21.1.2014

As per the decision of the Secretariat of the ITEF(CHQ) a Day-long Dharna and lunch-hour demonstration will be held in front of Aayakar Bhavan on 21.1.2014 in pursuance of the following demands:

1. To demand immediate allocation of posts and implementation of the Cadre Restructuring Proposal cleared by the union cabinet in conformity with the ITEF proposal.

2. Issuance of uniform instructions to implement the Supreme Court judgement in the NR Parmar Case with regard to inter-se seniority.

3. Reversal of the instructions on Casual Workers etc

As informed earlier, the meeting with the Member(P) on the issue of allocation of posts of cadre restructuring, there was unanimity on the issue of allocation of additional posts created by the Cadre Restructuring instead of the entire sanctioned strength (i.e. existing + additional posts created) as proposed by the sub-committee and the core committee which is beyond their briefs and the cabinet decision. However, the proposal of the ITEF on allocation especially ITO and cadres down below is still under consideration. The CBDT may take a decision on the issue soon. It is therefore imperative that we continue the agitation as per the call given by the ITEF(CHQ) so as to ensure that no injustice is done to any region of tax India.

Further, as per the call given by the Confederation of Central govt. employees and workers the strike notice for the 2-day strike action which is to take place on 12th &13th February, is required to be served on 21.1.2014. The strike is to demand merger of DA, the effect of 7th CPC, Interim relief, scraping of New Pension Scheme etc.

Join the Dharna Programme and make it a grand success.

With greetings,

Ravindran B Nair
General Secretary.

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