Tuesday, May 3, 2016

World Labour Day


The advancements the organized world working class movement made in the past 130 year period is of a great significance in the evolution of human society itself. The martyrs of Hay-market congregation in Chicago in 1886, in whose memory the international workers day is observed have made the supreme sacrifice to ensure a free and egalitarian society. In the ups and downs of the chequered history of the working class world over, the contribution of Indian workers was immense. Be it for the emancipation of the country itself from the colonial exploiters or to bring about a decent standard of living for Indian working population in the post independent era, they have done extremely well. But what picture contemporary India presents, evolved and structured on adherence to globalization is something the present day workers, individually and the Indian Working class together must ponder over, whene they are duty bound to demonstrate the unity might and determination on 1st May 2016.

      In the present Indian Societal Structure, the workers are pushed down to a level beyond redemption; and the inequality which the country promised to eradicate through social welfare governance has become an ever- alluding mirage. The Corporates in association with their foreign collaborators now controls the reins of governance. The present day rulers, who came to power with the tacit  and latent support of the corporates have ceased to make even lip service to the bringing up of an unoppressed and egalitarian society. The old and condemnable ethics of an antiquated society is polished and presented in a manner to deceive the poor people and garner their support for continuation of a feudal social set-up. They set agenda for dividing the society on communal and caste orientation, mislead the poverty stricken population, deceive them to believe that the panacea for their perennial problems lies in the resurrection of the ancient social system, create an image woven from fantasies and myth and spend millions to propagate that such a fantastic system had existed in this country thousands of years back. What has this country witnessed in the recent days was an orchestrated attempt ably supported by the ruling party to characterise all those who resist this nefarious game of the communal forces as anti-national, reminding of the fascist days in the world history, which ultimately led to the total disaster of a great part of the globe.  

            It is this phenomenon, this challenge that the organized working class face in the contemporary India. No doubt, unlike in the past, the working class is much more united, move cohesively sinking the ideological differences; go for united and militant industrial actions. But, events have proved that that is not enough. Along with the Bread and Butter issues, the Indian working class must rise to oppose the obscurantist, divisive and communal propaganda for that had been and continues to be the greatest threat to their unity and the Nation’s prosperity. They must realise the need to inculcate scientific temper in the society.

It is the sustained, systematic and widespread campaign that is needed to root out the divisive forces, which survives on money power provided by the Corporates. The observance of the May day, the international workers day must have a solid purpose. While it is necessary that the sacrifice of the erstwhile generation is remembered and recognised, the solemn duty is to provide meaning to their voice, which was silenced by brutal state power in1886 in USA   and thousand times thereafter in various parts of the world.

    The National secretariat of the ITEF appeals that its members when they observe the coming May day on Monday the 2nd May 2016 ( 1st May being Sunday) will imbibe  this aspect and make strenuous efforts to eradicate the malaise that has gripped in our society.       


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